Writing a P80010 Table Definition Browser App.

In OneWorld XE/8.0 days, we used to have an application – P80010 – Table Definition Browser Application. This application was of great help, as it showed the database fields in the Table, its indexes, the DD item name, description, the Data type of the field etc.

You can do the same in the Newer versions of EnterpriseOne too, with a very simple app as follows

  1. Create a New BSVW say V5598711.
  2. Add Tables F9860 (Object Librarian master) and F98711 (Table Columns) joined on the NameObject (OBNM) column
  3. Add Table Description (MD) from F9860 and from F98711 include OBND, PSEQ, and SQLC.
  4. Create an Interactive Application with a Find/Browse Form.
  5. Use the above business view (V5598711) for the form.
  6. Add all the columns into the Grid, and put a Form Filter field with F98711.OBNM
  7. Use the B9800420 – GetDataDictionaryDefinition Business Function to retrieve the DD item Description, Data Type, length of the field, and decimals etc in to the grid row

The screen will look like the screen shot below.


Table Browser Application
P80010 Table Browser Application for E9

Now, once you get the table definitions, I guess wouldn’t you like to go a little further…! Get the indexes, know the primary keys of the table..?

Here it goes, Very similar to the above form , only difference is to use the tables F98712 (indexes header) and F98713 (indexes detail) to create the business view under the form. The F98712 has the names of the indexes on the table & if the key is Unique/Primary Key, and F98713 would show the fields under the index.

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