CSV File issue in Web Client

Some clients have complained that the report CSV file opens up in excel with all the data in the first column only, instead of showing it in separate cells when viewed from the HTML client.
In such cases, the workstation is missing a required registry setting.
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\application/csv] “Extension”=”.csv”
This setting should be entered on the individual workstations (not on the web server).  In addition, verify that the MIME type is appropriately defined as application/csv and FileType to .csv.
The following is an example of the steps for creating a manual registry entry when running Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7:

  1. Go to Start button | Run
  2. Type in “regedit”
  3. Drill from HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT folder to MIME->Database->Content Type. (search for MIME)
  4. Right-click on Content Type, select New -> Key or “Expandable String Type”
  5. Type in application/csv. This creates a new subfolder under the Content Type folder.
  6. Right-click on the new application/csv folder, select New->String Value.
  7. Value Name field – type “Extension”
  8. Value Data – type “.csv” (be sure to include the period before the extension)
  9. Verify that the MIME type is appropriately defined as application/csv and FileType is .csv.

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