QR Code in BI Publisher Reports

Keeping this article simple for the timebeing The source of the image holder in your RTF will have to be something that a QR Code API will return. http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=500×500&choe=UTF-8&chld=H&chl=http://www.jdesource.com or …

EnterpriseOne Upgrade – A Capitulation – Part 1

Let us share our thoughts on E1 Upgrade – a very common affair these days. I’ll be sharing my thoughts on Upgrade Methodologies here. Lets try the 5 W’s and H on an Upgrade process. First lets dwell upon why an organization would need an upgrade. What would be the questions an organization needs to answer, how would they do it, When is the right time, Where would they do it e.g. H/w and S/w considerations, and Whom would they entrust to perform the process.